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Sabado, Marso 19, 2011

It's Me.

"Know Thy Self"

That saying was attributed to Socrates, a famous Greek philosopher. You must  know  who you really are and what are  you really capable of. in doing so, you need to identify your strength and weaknesses in life.
In order register our own identity in this world.

First of all I would like to introduce myself: I am Jeremiah Pudadera, 18 years of age. From Carles, Iloilo. Presently, taking BS in Computer Science at Hercor College, Roxas City, Capiz. I believed that my existence in this world is not a mere accident but was planned from the very beginning by our Creator.I am the youngest in our family. I'm not spoiled either. My parents taught me how to live my life in a good way, to be  a good example. They treat me kindly, and punish me when I commit mistakes. I love reading books, especially The Holy Bible, pocket books, magazines, encyclopedias, and other reading materiasl. Interested in sports, playing online games, chatting and web surfing, hanging out with my friends if time would permit, texting, eating and sleeping. I'm a simple guy with with a simple wish, to finished my course and help my family. My favorite colors are red, blue, black, pink, green, yellow, violet and orange. I love dogs but I prefer cats. A person with warm personality, who hates violence. As a pacifist, we must live accordingly and harmoniously toward each other. ^_^

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