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Sabado, Marso 19, 2011


Study first, then enjoy later, we students must study first, because it is our future that is at stake. We must not take for granted our future. We must strive, in order for us to have a nice job someday. In our studies we have a lot of stumbling blocks, we have the "barkadas", "alcohol, "smoke", and drugs", "computer games", "gimicks". Although we must have fun sometimes, but we must fulfill our duties and responsibilities, to be serious in our studies.A lot of youths today have lost focused on their studies because of the said stumbling blocks. They are getting side tracked easily. They indulge themselves on happiness which are temporary.They don't want to labor on their studies, they frivolous, a candle in the wind.

There are a lot of benefits we could get when we are serious about our study habits. We will have a nice job. We can be adept in every situation and we could cope easily when changes occurs or if we suffer setbacks.
We will be resilient and more responsible. We could handle problems easily, we do not surrender that easily. We always comes up with a solution. We must set aside first those things that could distract our studies. 

Here are some tips that might help you in your studies:
Firts you must set goals, which are realistic, and that could be reached.
Second we must have some back-up plans, in case we suffered some setbacks.
Established a good study habit.
Listen to your instructors, and rephrased what they are teachings.
You must focus yourself in your studies, a little fun must be added to avoid dullness in your life.
Always pray for God's guidance. Just always remember he is there for you.This are just tips, it is your decision. You have your own choice, chose the path that leads to the betterment of your future. ^-^

Why Should Students Take a College Course??

Students ougth to have a college course, it will help them to find more stable and more secure jobs, that will pay their efforts. Nowadays, all are expensive, we must secure jobs in order to sustain our needs, not only for ourselves but for our family as well, in the future. That is the essence of taking a college course. Job oppurtunities are opened to those who were qualified,a graduate of a bachelor's course is a requirement even if  you are applying for a floor manager in a mall. In order to cope with that situation, we must take a college course. Even those who have already taken their bachelor's course, pursue their studies so they could work abroad, to earn enough money.

This is true for those who have already taken their college courses, I know reality is harsh, but the truth is that ignorance is harsher than poverty itself. For those who are yet to take their courses; go, you can do it because it will be your "pass" to your prosperity or poverty. The choice is yours to make. Just always remember that God is always watching you, and willing to help you. Keep trusting on God's Promises. Good Day.^_^ 

It's Me.

"Know Thy Self"

That saying was attributed to Socrates, a famous Greek philosopher. You must  know  who you really are and what are  you really capable of. in doing so, you need to identify your strength and weaknesses in life.
In order register our own identity in this world.

First of all I would like to introduce myself: I am Jeremiah Pudadera, 18 years of age. From Carles, Iloilo. Presently, taking BS in Computer Science at Hercor College, Roxas City, Capiz. I believed that my existence in this world is not a mere accident but was planned from the very beginning by our Creator.I am the youngest in our family. I'm not spoiled either. My parents taught me how to live my life in a good way, to be  a good example. They treat me kindly, and punish me when I commit mistakes. I love reading books, especially The Holy Bible, pocket books, magazines, encyclopedias, and other reading materiasl. Interested in sports, playing online games, chatting and web surfing, hanging out with my friends if time would permit, texting, eating and sleeping. I'm a simple guy with with a simple wish, to finished my course and help my family. My favorite colors are red, blue, black, pink, green, yellow, violet and orange. I love dogs but I prefer cats. A person with warm personality, who hates violence. As a pacifist, we must live accordingly and harmoniously toward each other. ^_^

Miyerkules, Marso 16, 2011

Why Did I Choose Computer Science as a Course?

In this material world...people were busy inventing and discovering things that could help us to lessen the load of our work..definitely they have done that well...they discovered the simple machines and their principles and a lot of heavy equipments. one this is the computer a small desktop machine that processed and encode data. Most likely the first computer were clumsy and slow....but at the advent of silicon chips and other materials...the computer were change into more versatile and adept one. They are fast and more reliable than their predecessors.Most of the research works were done on the computers, solving large amount of numbers, communicating on the far side of the planet, playing games and listening to music, and even buying online are now possible. They said that computer courses our now in demand, well they're right about that. 

I choose this course not because it is in demand but because it is a must.Becoming an expert in the field of computer could make you a billionaire, you can work on it from your desktop and earned millions if not billions, if you have the perseverance and the talent and skills.But this course is not and easy one it requires dedication, vigor, discipline and creativity. I enjoy learning new things about it. And countries that are industrialized relied on the computer. Even in teachings they uses computer and learning were just facilitated and teachers our now facilitators. Dreaming someday that this could come true, that building a school with hi-tech computer lab, and introduces computer as a subject component, teaching children to use the computer as in advantage point... using its benefits and discarding its harmful effects. A school that uses multimedia and other computer programs to help the children learn. Revolutionizing the New Age of Teaching with the use of Computer as a medium in instructing. Being a literate in the computer field gives you benefits in finding a job. Hoping to finish this course. ^_^. 


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